Frequently asked questions: Lift Truck Operator Train the Trainer
I am ready to train others, where is the test located?
Answer: The written portion of the test (exam A and B) are located in the LTO TTT Facilitator Guide in the Appendix.
How do I obtain participant booklets?
Answer: The LTO TTT Facilitator Guide comes with one Participate Guide. Additional participant guides (packs of 10) can be ordered to train additional operators at their organization.
Where is the completion certificate for those I train?
Answer: Each participant kit comes with a certificate of completion and a wallet card to identify successful participants as safe trained operators.
Does NSC provide the hands-on skills test?
Answer: No, NSC does not provide the hands-on test. The hands-on test is the responsibility of the organization. It is required. The organization can develop a hands-on test based on the working environment and the OSHA requirements. Examples of what the hand-on test could look like are provided in the Appendix of the LTO TTT Facilitator’s Guide.
Is the LTO TTT materials available in other languages?
Answer: The LTO TTT materials (Facilitator Kit and Participant Kit (pack of 10) ) is only available in English and Spanish.
When I purchase the LTO TTT materials, where can I go to download the Multimedia? Answer: The Multimedia can be downloaded directly from your profile under “Training and Materials”, select the course and scroll down to the bottom and find the instructions on how to download the materials. Please follow this link to download the Multimedia . The link can also be obtained by calling Customer Service at 1-800-621-7619.
Does the Multimedia come in different languages?
Answer: No the Multimedia only comes in English, the materials are available in English and Spanish.
Note: After completion of the LTO TTT course you will receive a Certificate of Completion for the lecture, you will need to complete the hands on portion with your employer.
Links to order additional materials:
LTO TTT Facilitator Kit (English) :
LTO TTT Participant Kit (English):
LTO TTT Facilitator Kit(Spanish):
LTO TTT Participant Kit(Spanish) :