Safety Training Methods - ASC Virtual 4-Day Course

Virtual 0$1,750.00
Virtual 0$1,750.00
Virtual 0$1,750.00

Only 18 are available

  • Product Details

    • The National Safety Council's performance-based training approach will help you achieve your safety AND business goals. We'll show you how to reach your desired level of performance.

      Training goals

      Upon completion of the Safety Training Methods course, you'll be able to
      improve the safety performance of your workforce.
      make educated decisions about the safety and health training needs of your workforce -- needs analysis, performance objectives, instructional strategy and methods, content, media, delivery, evaluation, and costs.

    • Who should attend?

      If you are a manager, supervisor, human resource representative, or employee who is responsible for the planning, development and/or delivery of safety and health training programs, attend the Safety Training Methods course. 

  • Objectives

    • Why should you attend?

      Whether you're coordinating training development, purchasing materials from vendors, contracting with trainers, or conducting training yourself -- you'll find this course valuable.

      Safety Training Methods is a 4 day (30 hours) course that focuses on the knowledge and skills required to assess your training needs, as well as plan, organize, create, and deliver performance-based safety and health training programs. While emphasis is on developing and delivering instructor-lead/classroom training, you'll become acquainted with other instructional methods and media used to effectively train employees on safety and health issues.
      This course is a challenging and interactive learning experience. Combined with information, numerous group and independent learning activities provide opportunities to apply newly learned concepts to a variety of safety and health training scenarios.

    • During the training, you will:
      Plan and design a training program applicable to your work environment
      Learn strategies and methods that address adult learning needs
      Complete a training needs analysis
      Identify training and non-training solutions for safety and health case studies
      Calculate direct and indirect training costs
      Discuss safety and health training issues with other safety professionals

    • If you are attending a virtual offering of this course, you can expect all materials to be available electronically. Classroom sessions may come with either fully electronic materials or some combination of electronic and paper materials.

      We recommend that you successfully complete Principles of Safety and Occupational Health prior to enrolling in this program.

  • Delivery Type

    • Virtual ILT

    •  A computer and/or laptop is a requirement for VILT courses.

  • Duration

    • 4-Day Course
      2.6 NSC CEUs/3.0 COCs